lunes, 19 de mayo de 2008

The American Medical Student Association

The American Medical Student Association (AMSA) has created this rather helpful site which offers a comparison of various conflict of interest policies at academic medical centers around the United States. Titled the "AMSA PharmFree Scorecard" the interactive chart details information about the interactions between major pharmaceutical companies and medical centers by looking at their stated policies on accepting gifts, consulting fees, samples, and so on. Visitors can browse through the list at their leisure, take a look at the "About" section, and also learn more about the methodology used to create this scorecard. Dozens of academic medical centers are surveyed here, and visitors can also click on two institutions to compare their various policies. The site also includes an executive summary of the findings and the latest news from AMSA on this subject.

La Asociación de Estudiantes Americanos de Medicina (AMSA) ha creado este sitio bastante útil que ofrece una comparación de diversos conflictos de interés académico y políticas en los centros médicos en los Estados Unidos. Titulado "AMSA PharmFree Scorecard" el gráfico interactivo brinda información acerca de las interacciones entre grandes empresas farmacéuticas y los centros médicos, en relación a políticas, aceptar regalos, honorarios de consulta, muestras, y así sucesivamente. Como elemento de estudio espero les sea de utilidad. Pueden navegar haciendo click en el siguiente enlace:

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